Monday, March 19, 2012

How to Roast Chestnuts - It's Easy!

The holidays are fast approaching. Want to visit the nostalgic side of yourself? Try the old and noted formula of roasting chestnuts. You hear about roasting chestnuts in all the old songs and from memories shared with elder members of the family. They are a marvelous expanding to any Thanksgiving or Christmas gathering. But how do you do it?

Here's a easy guide to roasting chestnuts that you can do yourself and have fun at the same time.

Outdoor Rotisserie Grills

Where do you buy chestnuts? Your grocery store will probably have two kinds of them: Castagne, which are the more common type of chestnuts, and Marroni which are the meatier, larger chestnuts. At times, Marroni are as much as an inch or more over in size. Castagne is fine for boiling but for roasting you will need the Marroni chestnut.

How to Roast Chestnuts - It's Easy!

Screen the chestnuts by seeing over them thought about and selecting just those that are firm and whose skins are a shiny, rich brown color. Obviously, If they smell moldy, or have a blotchy look, or pin holes - toss those out!

First thing to do in studying how to roast chestnuts, make a small cut in the round side of each chestnut. This keeps them from exploding. If you don't do this, you will have a big mess to clean up!

A small history: In the country, some people still use a terracotta baking dish (sometimes looks like a colander) to roast the chestnuts over the coals. Today, it's easy adequate to buy a chestnut roasting pan to use over your stove. It looks like an iron skillet or pan with a bunch of holes punched into the lowest of it.

Next, put your thought about chosen chestnuts into the pan and sprinkle them with water. Cover the chestnuts and put the pan over a medium heat.

Then, shake your pan often while roasting until you see that the skins have blackened and have pulled back from the chestnut meat (you'll notice this where you made the cut previously). Roasting them should take about 5 to 10 minutes. If the chestnuts appear too charred, then that means you didn't shake the pan enough.

You'll know when they are roasted to perfection by the fact that you can surely open the shell and find beautiful golden colored chestnut meat inside. It's sweet to the taste and a small crumbly in texture. Delicious!

Another way to roast your chestnuts is to place them, with the cut sides up, on a baking sheet or cookie sheet. Roast them in a hot oven (about 400 degrees F) until the chestnuts appear tender. This will take about 20 minutes. To test to see if they have been roasted enough, stick a fork straight through the cut in shell and test for tenderness.

Finally, wrap the hot chestnuts in an old towel (no matter which way you chose to roast them) and squeeze them hard. Squeezing the chestnuts will break and crush the skins which will make peeling them much easier to do. Let the crushed chestnuts rest inside the towel for about 5 mintues before unwrapping them.

Open up the towel and feast and enjoy!

How to Roast Chestnuts - It's Easy!